Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Dance Quotes

"The dance floor is the only place on this planet where the lady is basically telling you 'Make me do what you want me to do'. I know you don't get that at home "~ Author unknown
"Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass …..
Its learning how to Dance in the rain!" :)
"The forms of tango are like the stages of marriage. The American tango is like the beginning of a love affair, when you're both very romantic and on your best behavior. The Argentine tango is when you're in the heat of things and all kinds of emotions are flying: passion, anger, humor. The International tango is like the end of the marriage, when you're staying together for the sake of the children" ~ by Barbara Garvey, Smithsonian Magazine
"Dance is like the dance of LIFE. The whole idea is that if you're on the sidelines, you really don't join in the sort of SPIRIT of life, the PASSION of life. If you decide to take part in the dance, even if you can't dance very well, if you have two left feet, at least you're trying to be part of the DANCE. And that, I think, is a beautiful thing." ~ Randall Miller, Writer & Director
"To love means to open ourselves to the negative as well as the positive - to grief, sorrow, and disappointment as well as to joy, fulfillment, and an intensity of consciousness we did not know was possible before." --Rollo May--

"There is a fountain of youth: it is your mind, your talents, the creativity you bring to your life and the lives of the people you love. When you learn to tap this source, you will have truly defeated age." ~ Sophia Loren, actress
"Great dancers are not great because of their technique; they're great because of their passion." ~ Martha Graham
"Dancers are the athletes of God." ~ Albert Einstein

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